
HOMEOPATHY & drainage

Constitutional Homeopathy

Homeopathy was first developed by the German physician, Samuel Hahnemann, over 200 years ago. It has since established itself worldwide as a safe, gentle and effective complementary medical approach that seeks to stimulate the body’s own healing powers. It is an art that is fully based on decades of scientific knowledge and works at a cellular level.

Homeopathic remedies are a system of medicine based on three principles:

  • Like cures like - For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to poisoning by mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy.

  • Minimal Dose - The remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.

  • The Single Remedy- No matter how many symptoms are experienced, only one remedy is taken, and that remedy will be aimed at all those symptoms.

Dr. Sinha analyzes the pattern of pathology in a systems model developed byDr. Gueniot and Dr. Paul Herscu, world renowned homeopaths. She places symptoms into specific segments and arranges them to describe how one leads to the next. This synthesizes symptoms and ideas in a cohesive manner that can be understood by anyone. She then uses this knowledge to pick the correct homeopathic remedy/remedies to help a patient that is suffering from an ailment.

Biotherapeutic drainage

Biotherapeutic drainage is a method that helps to open the body’s organs of elimination (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, and bowels) and provide a safe way to detoxify at a cellular level. All cells produce metabolic waste and sometimes the body is unable to eliminate them naturally. These metabolic wastes, or toxins, can then build up in the blood and cause illness. Many people are much more in need of detoxification that is safe and gentle due to modernization and all of the toxins we are exposed to environmentally.  

Therapeutic intent of drainage is as follows:

  • To encourage the body towards homeostasis.

  • To address the underlying cause of disease, not just the symptoms.

  • To encourage physiological equilibrium and self-regulation.

  • To be powerful yet gentle healing.

  • To return the patient to their true natural state of health and vitality.

  • To restore health to the body in a long-lasting and effective way.

Dr. Sinha utilizes UNDA and remedies in her practice.  The remedies are made from plants and minerals that are diluted several times. These low potency remedies have a resonance that is the same inside a cell and thus acts at this level. This significantly modifies the body’s internal environment allowing efficient elimination of toxins. They are able to detoxify organs, normalize glandular systems, and manage functional stresses.


Gemmotherapy is a form of herbal medicine that started in France. It was prompted by principals of homeopathic drainage, stimulation and regeneration of cells, tissues and organs. It uses plant bud extract and other embryonic plant tissues to open cellular detoxification pathways. It employs buds, inner bark, rootlets, or very young shoots of plants from various woodland trees and shrubs. They are harvested at a point where certain hormones and enzymes are released and all of the embryonic and mineral substances contain the elements of structured proteins that gets recognized by the body as growth hormone. These beautiful remedies aid in detoxification and tissue regeneration, which helps the body come back into balance.